The Blog
I'm 100% here for a slow, conscious lifestyle
There was a lot of talk about “slowing down” and “conscious this-or-that” this year, and though the longevity of the movement might be presently disputed I still find myself thinking about how nice rejecting the rat race mentality feels.
I took a risk and now I'm writing this blog post from a villa in Tuscany
Rarely does an opportunity that seems so straightforward and obvious pop up, but when I received the signal to cover a wellness retreat in Tuscany, I had never felt more clarity about anything.
I just had my aura read but I'm still going to therapy anyway
I’ve always been a casual believer in folk healing and insight methods. Given the opportunity, I’d jump to have my cards read, my palm analyzed, my birth chart dissected.
Why I'm Done Being Flexible
I’m a pretty flexible person. I have no dietary restrictions and I change up my skincare routine regularly; I drink both red and white wine. But when it comes to the big decisions (will this job impact the course of my career and personal life for the foreseeable future? Will I still get to dictate my own vacation time?) I freeze